Huyen T.T. Nguyen


Office C2.18

Utrecht University

Padualaan 14, 3584CH Utrecht


I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Sociology of the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Science at Utrecht University, with affiliation to the Department of Methods & Statistics (NLP M&S group) and the ICS. My primary research interests are natural language processing (NLP), applied econometrics, the economics of gender & discrimination, and experimental economics.

My research combines NLP and high-dimensional econometric techniques with survey experiments to understand gender and ethnic differences in competitive, high-stake matters, e.g. debate competitions and recruitment contexts. I obtained my Ph.D. in Economics (awarded cum laude, top <5%) from Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) and Tinbergen Institute (TI) on December 1, 2021 (watch my defence).

On this site, you can find my CV, references, research, teaching repositories, and my collection of data science resources.


Dec 19, 2023 I am thrilled to have received the ODISSEI LISS Panel Grant 2023 to run the project Gender and Ethnic Differences in Self-presentation Strategies in the Netherlands! :sparkles: :smile:

Will we meet?

Jun 14, 2024
to Jul 13
I’m very excited to gain an in-depth overview of Fairness in AI Recruitment with FINDHR researchers
Aug 28, 2024
to Aug 30
ACES Annual Conference of Experimental Sociology
Turin, IT
Sep 5, 2024
to Sep 6
AFE Advances with Field Experiments
London, UK

Have we met before?