My research aims to uncover subtle acts of influence in strategic interactions across genders and any ensuing impacts on their performance evaluations and outcomes. My work combines text and acoustic data mining techniques to derive persuasion tactics from novel data sets of inter-collegiate debate tournaments and negotiation exchanges. In my ongoing and upcoming projects, I integrate NLP & ML techniques into online, survey, and field experiments to understand: (1) heterogeneities and the effectiveness of persuasion strategies across social groups and networks; and (2) how group deliberation impacts individual beliefs and preferences. Below you can find summary abstracts of my papers and projects.
Reactions to Automated Hiring: A Vignette Experiment in the US vs. the UK Labor Market
(with Frank van Tubergen)
The Impact of Automated ft. Pro-Diversity Recruitment on Self-Presentation Strategies
(with Frank van Tubergen and Valentina Di Stasio)
Data collection completed, funded by ODISSEI LISS grant.
Gendered Resumes across Sectors: Word and Contextual Embedding Models
(with Ayoub Bagheri, Maike Weiper, Malka Aktepe, and Sara Marticet)
Draft coming soon
Acoustic-Prosodic, Lexical and Demographic Cues to Persuasiveness in Competitive Debate Speeches
(with Ralph Vente, Sarah Ita Levitan, David Lupea, and Julia Hirschberg)
[Peer-reviewed Conference Proceeding @ INTERSPEECH 2021] [3-min intro video] [15-min presentation] [Interspeech Slides]
1st Prize STAR Presentation Award, NYAS NDS2020
Presented at: INTERSPEECH 2021 (Brno), STAR Talk @ Natural Language, Dialogue and Speech Symposium of the New York Academy of Sciences
The (Great) Persuasion Divide? Gender Disparities in Debate Speeches and Evaluations
Available upon request
Presented at: ASSA/AEA Annual Meeting 2022, Women in Econ Leman – Rare Voices in Economics Conference (Geneva), Digital Methods in History and Economics Workshop, Young Economists’ Meeting, PaCSS 2021 Politics and Computational Social Science Conference, SIOE Society for Institutional & Organizational Economics Conference, SOLE Society of Labor Economists Annual Conference, SMYE Spring Meeting of Young Economists 2021, ESPE European Society of Population Economics Annual Conference 2021, GRAPE Gender Gaps Conference 2021, AYEW Applied Young Economist Webinar, PhD-EVS Seminar, RES Annual Conference, ETH Zurich Seminar in Economics & Data Science, AGEW Australian Gender Economic Workshop, Junior Americanist Workshop, Minerva Lab on Diversity & Gender Inequality, YSI – INET Plenary – “New Approaches to Old Questions: Current Debates in Feminist Economics”, YSI – INET Plenary – “Developing Countries: Challenges to Face Inequality“, VfS Annual Conference – Gender Economics, Econometric Society World Congress, EALE SOLE AASLE World Conference 2020, RGS Doctoral Conference in Economics (Dortmund), ESE Female Network Seminar, WUDC Gender Inclusion Panel Discussion (Bangkok), CBS Behavioral Working Group Seminar (New York), 2019 Econometric Society Winter Meeting (ESWM) (Rotterdam), Natural Language, Dialog and Speech Symposium of the New York Academy of Sciences (New York), CBS Chazen Institute Research Scholar Seminar (New York), Data Science Institute Poster Session (New York), Zurich Text As Data Workshop (Zurich), International Association of Applied Econometrics 2019 (Nicosia), TIBER Symposium on Psychology & Economics (Tilburg), Eastern European Machine Learning Summer School 2019 (Bucharest), Data Science Summer School 2018 (Paris), EUR Brownbag Seminar 2019, EUR Diversity Research Seminar 2018
Gender Composition of Committees and Performance Evaluation: Evidence from Debate Tournaments
Available upon request
Presented at: EALE European Society of Labor Economists Conference, Max Planck Institute 7th Annual Conference on “Contest: Theory and Evidence” (Berlin), 7th Potsdam Ph.D. Workshop in Empirical Economics, IAAEU Workshop on Gender Inequality in Labor Markets
Choking upon Facing (Fe)male Opponents? Evidence from Debate Tournaments
Available upon request